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Days in Journal

2 days

Last played

August 21, 2018

First played

August 15, 2018

Platforms Played


This review contains spoilers

thought it would be fair to start off my backloggd with probably one of my favorite games ever? hotline miami is such a beautiful game. the controls are a little janky and got frustrating to use but holy fuck it was worth it. the visuals are perfect and the story is amazing.
you play as a man simply known as "jacket", an american army veteran who fought in the hawaiian war in 1985 against the russians.
the game starts you off in the middle of the full game's story, right after he got put into a life-threatening coma by richter, and i think thats fucking genius. not in a fnaf fucked up timeline way, but in a way where things make sort of sense but not really? the first half of the game is basically a recap of everything that happened after our main character signed up to this newsletter called 50 blessings that coerced him to kill hordes of the russian mafia. he finds a homeless woman that was being sexually abused by the man she was being held captive by on one of these jobs, rescues her(this becomes important later on), he starts getting attached to her and they start dating, and then when jacket leaves a witness(that witness being the singular character who later finds out the real truth about 50 blessings), another hitman(richter) is sent to kill his girlfriend as a threat. this is where his comatose dream ends and he finally wakes up in the hospital, which is really funny when you realize that hallucinatory beard in the convenience store after your first mission talks about your girlfriend either dying or leaving you. its kept vague for this reason, but its obvious what was meant. the way it loops around, serves a purpose and still fully explains everything is unbelievably amazing and i will forever cherish this masterpiece of a game.
even though i was really late to the hypetrain on a game from 2012 and i originally played a pirated copy of it, i still managed to live through the hayday of the fanbase. hotline miami is one of those games that lingers in random corners of the internet and is talked about sometimes but still manages to keep itself afloat after a decade. i probably sound like a broken record right now but i could go on and on about how good of a game this is.