didn't like the base game enough to enjoy what's basically just the same thing but worse here. doesn't help that this lacks any good character or story moments at all (the voice acting is just as bad as in the base game), or any encounters that stand out, apart from the 2 bosses unique to the scenario, both of which are some of the worst in the entire game. the new bosses were handled sloppily, U3 and saddler lost any intimidation and originality they had to their designs, mechanically and presentation-wise.
my score is exaggerated, it's not that bad of course, but it is completely worthless. this dlc doesn't add to the core experience in any substantial way. there are no significant mechanical changes or additions to make ada's gameplay distinct from leon's, just nothing inventive here. the original separate ways had the same problem of not building onto the base game and this was their opportunity to fix that, especially since they're charging for it now, but it's clear that wasn't the priority of Capcom and whatever team they outsourced this to. no effort was ever meant to go into making this an actually worthwhile experience that stands on its own while enhancing the base game. it was always just meant to be a cheap staggered release with minimal effort put into it that would help the game stay in public consciousness just a little longer.
even judged by itself, separate ways is still not a good experience. encounter design is worse all-around, there are 3 boss fights and they all suck, progression and pacing feel gutted due to its short length, and ada has a less fun selection of weapons to choose from than leon. the pacing and structure in particular feel very artificial, as it's just bursts of action tied together by cutscenes you already saw in the base game. it's not done well at all and makes the dlc feel more like a fan mod than a proper expansion.

Reviewed on Oct 06, 2023
