michael has some pretty honest mids

titanfall and risk of rain fucked and had a child. its pretty alright

feels very generic in artstyle and the gameplay feels very bland

It has been over a year. The bones are still excellent. But the content drought is fucking abysmal. 1 gun has been added to the game since. It has been too long 343. It is too late to fix this sinking ship.

i dont really do mobile games but i like this one a bit. eventually you hit a wall that requires you to do an absurd amount of grinding but other than that its ok

i was given the chance to play the 2 weekend multiplayer beta, and god. this is probably the best halo game ive played ever, if not in a very long time. super excited to see what the story has in store, but as it stands the gameplay is a 10/10

really solid gameplay engine, however the story literally isnt finished. also has that 2016 AAA videogame layer of crust

from a gameplay perspective, its phenominal, every character feels super unique with little overlap in gameplay with minor exceptions. the story is pretty great too however i wish they utilized the animated cutscenes more, as the animations they had were great and i would have loved to see more of them. other than that its a 10 some hour visual novel that wasnt all too bad