Heard a lot of good buzz about Umurangi, from people I generally trust to have good takes.

Unfortunately, in this case, I feel like I've been mugged. Ostensibly Umurangi Generation is a near-future photography game, but with how irregularly the photography will actually recognise the subjects of your photos, you could have fooled me. Multiple times per level, I'd line up the subject, take a shot, and the game would refuse to recognise that I've completed an objective. So I'd retry the shot, with a different angle, changed focus or more zoom, and it'd just refuse again. God forbid you try and complete the objectives in the ten minute timer with this working against you.

Then there's the objectives themselves, which seem to often boil down to pixel hunting. Some of them will have multiple points in the level you can take the photo (although, again, good luck getting it recognised), others seem to want you to stand on a specific outcropping of fence to line up the shot exactly right. Then you better readjust it twice more (but don't fall off) to make sure it's recognised!

I'm sure everyone's right and there's something interesting in there underneath the layers of frustration, but right now I just want to catapult my switch in the sun.

Oh and it runs at like 15fps even through the resolution is noticeably low on portable mode. I know this is a small project but come on now.

Reviewed on Jun 11, 2021
