2 reviews liked by atonmi

A really solid One Of Those (being a B-Game RPG/looter-slasher) that actually does quite a lot with the Lord of the Rings license that I wish other games would have done.
It connects to the story of the books just enough to provide context, but not so much you feel like the Tardy Tag-Along Crew from The Third Age. Getting to see places like Fornost, the Barrow-Downs, and Gundabad mentioned in the books but never visited in the films is fun.
In my opinion, this is the way to handle licensed content - a competent story about new characters, largely (or ideally, completely) independent of the parent story, respecting the tone and ideas of the original but doing something new.
It's a shame the game did pretty poorly and sank any chance of ever seeing anything like it going forward.

My first Yakuza game I ever played, and it was WELL worth playing! It caused me to fall in love with this entire universe, and I hope one day I can play through all of them!