1 review liked by aurtletheturtle

Makes sense to kick off my backlogged MyCareer by reviewing the last game i finished which was two days ago baby.

Yakuza games are kind of part fighting game crime drama and part wacky soap opera so you can give them a lot of leeway for the melodramatic scenes or ridiculously insane twists, in fact it's part of their charm. But 5 I think may be that formula coming to a head, five different protagonists, five different city locations (with a couple sub locations) each character has their own side story which can easily add another 2-3 hours of content (Except for Akiyama despite him being the best character after Kiryu) and a story that is only getting more convoluted with each chapter. 4 had a needlessly convoluted story as well but it had one less protagonist and was set predominantly just in Kamurocho which made it, for me, a bit easier to follow and stay invested in, 5 is just so much and only keeps growing the further you get, the last two chapters in particular before the finale were real slogs for me to get through.

Spite of my complaining it's still a fun wee Yakuza game and I might be being a bit too harsh on it just because beating it took me longer than it probably should have but of all of them in the series it's probably my least favourite as it stands currently.