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1 day

Last played

September 10, 2020

Platforms Played


three things i have to say about this game

a. it's an awful action RPG with an extremely shallow and therefore boring combat system. the AI behind your demon partners is awful and rarely guards, with there being no command to tell them to. you're legitimately better off not using your demon, and instead just soloing and summoning a demon that has dia/diarama to heal as needed. your attacks have awful ending lag, so every time you attack, it just feels clunky and slow. there's no option to dodge, guarding is brainless and almost always nullifies damage. the game turns into an unengaging "guard until your enemy finishes attacking, then attack them" affair. it's boring.

b. it's a mediocre JRPG. i did not care about most of the characters, there's very little to do in terms of self-expression with builds because you can't learn skills, and there's a lot less creativity to be had with demon skillsets as well. demons have severely reduced skill inheritance + slots available for skills, so you're going to be stuck with the ice demon who can only use ice skills or the physical demon that only can use physical skills. the puzzles/dungeons are almost always just "do you have this specific type of demon that can do a context sensitive action? no? well too fucking bad". the plot isn't awful, but it's not as interesting as it thinks it is.

c. the random encounter theme is REALLY good. seriously. listen to it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_kfjqM7UqbA it fucks doesn't it