old man swinging cane moment: i wanted to start this review by saying "i miss when licensed games were good", but i can't remember the last licensed game i played that wasn't from my childhood. older man swinging cane moment: this game was not particularly great, but my nostalgia and affection for it help me enjoy it.

bugs' jump is just horribly stiff and the camera has this ridiculous tendency to swing wildly while jumping, causing a forward jump to arc left/right and otherwise make simple jumps doomsday. considering jumping is going to be 65-70% of the gameplay, that's pretty bad. thankfully, this game is a babygame and has no real punishment for dying and generously gives checkpoints. the cutscenes and general presentation are pretty shitawful for a 1999 PS1 game, but the level design is interesting enough that this doesn't feel like a phoned in project. i think this was a "we gotta pay rent" project, sure, but there are bits and pieces of interesting content that make me think the devs at least had fun with designing this game in some capacity. overall, it's enjoyable if you can get past how off-brand things tend to feel here. truly a bogs binny ass game.

why does the game end on 124 clocks and 333 golden carrots. weird numbers to max out the collectible count at.

Reviewed on Jun 25, 2024


3 days ago

124 and 333 are the classic "Bugs Bunny numbers" which you would know if you were a real Bugshead

3 days ago

@mothcub 124 + 333 = 457, which is bugs bunny's angel numbers