nobody fws this game series like i do

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this game is a masterpiece. I see like a ton of people hating on it or calling it average and maybe it is but idc. This was my first non hybrid vn and it was just crazy playing it. Every single character was just so fun watching and the plot twists in this game are actually still top tier. Natushiko was just the perfect protagonist and seeing him in that black void or whatever during root D was just my favorite moment ever. The concepts it brings like the bc/ad or whatever connecting to one another was just so intriguing to me and it affecting so much of the story was so cool. The worst part of the game was the ending but even then I still liked it but it didn't quite really hit that one spot for me. I'm gonna replay this game eventually and hopefully see why everyone hates this game or something. (this review sucked but its been awhile since i played :( )