2 reviews liked by ayeshpyesh

i wanted lego batman 4 and all i got was this lousy lego marvel superheroes wannabe

in all honesty it's fine but it just doesn't have that much charm, it feels a little diluted, may just be cause i'm a very Batman guy so i'm biased but whatever, you can play it and enjoy it's kind of an average lego game

character creator is pretty good tbh, definitely the best thing about the game, too bad this expanded character creator has proven to be more of a one-off effort rather than a staple going forward, really seems like they had something going on when they put this big varied customizer in lego marvel superheroes 2 but they just kinda did it twice and dropped it and that's a damn shame cause i always love character creators in lego games so seeing them be limited in features or outright missing hurts my soul

I enjoyed this game quite a lot, but I would argue that it is objectively not as good as Rise of the Tomb Raider.

There were a lot of deaths in this game versus the others, and almost all of them were due to messy platforming or frustrating sections of the game involving piranhas!

The restriction of costume in the Hidden City makes sense thematically but is a frustrating limitation in a game where so many costumes are thrown at you but you can't use them for a good 40% of the runtime.

Overall though, the story was great and the bonus challenge tombs in the Definitive Edition were a great addition.