A complete disappointment. Did away with many core features of the first game and the story left us wanting. The story, marketed to be multiple choice is far from that. Choices have no story impact, at most they change gameplay, as one side will provide mobility, while the other provides support. Many of the recent updates are changing gameplay back to its predecessors form. i.e Volatiles now start chases instead of the dreaded howler.

Parkour and zombies. More fun than you can imagine.

The story is trash. Its predecessor perfected gameplay, so why the sudden switch? Darksiders 3, again finds itself struggling to find its identity. It plays more like a combination of D1 and souls games. Avoid.

A complete overhaul and improvement of its predecessor. It establishes its identity successfully and provides a rich narrative with great gameplay.

A God of War clone that struggles to find its identity. Although, it provides enough to leave the player wanting more.

Enslaved to the Gods. Kratos is tasked with finding the Sun God Helios. On his journey, he discovers a plot to destroy the world, with other gods at the helm of this conspiracy. Forced to make a difficult choice, Kratos once again forsakes his family to save the gods and the world above.
God of war was always deep you cowards

A story that falls flat. It tries to capture the essence of previous games in the franchise but fails miserably. Gameplay is quite good and movement is great. Overall, it was a game that was held back by a mediocre story and an uninteresting protagonist.


This game had me questioning my friendship.

Fantastic fun. You play as a goose and cause absolute mayhem.

Dead Island 2 is more of dead island. The combat is simple and fun. The map is split off into sections, leading traversal to be a lot friendlier than its predecessor. It does not change the formula in any significant way, rather it improves upon its previous iterations with lots of QOL changes for modern gaming.

A great reintroduction to a fan favorite franchise. Ratchet and Clank: Rift Apart, does enough right to hold the attention of older fans, while doing enough to give itself an identity.

An overall improvement over the previous game. New mechanics, weapons, missions, and its all done well. The Main story however, felt more like a DLC rather than a true sequel.