A really, really good game. First piece of media to make me cry in years, and it did so multiple times (or at least shed a couple tears). Packs a multi-megaton emotional punch with high stakes, both personal to the protagonist and to the entire world, and does a good job with it. The first game/two games establish the characters and stakes and, unlike Unlimited, you feel the full impact of humanity's precarious situation as the changes you make to the timeline slowly compound and bring you to the heart of the conflict. I wasn't sure about Final Extra immediately after I finished the game, but upon further reflection I like its presence at the end; it bookends the series nicely.

It's also deeply problematic, both because of that one scene but also because of its glorification of of military and its penchant for nationalism. Even then, though, those topics are treated with a good degree of nuance, to the point I couldn't in good faith even call it propaganda, and I guess some of it is inherently necessary for the setting. I think that if that one scene were slightly different it would truly be a masterpiece, and maybe it still is one in spite of it.

I have a lot more feelings about this game but not a lot more words for them. Experience it for yourself (after the original), this is an absolute must-play in my opinion.

Reviewed on Feb 23, 2022
