story mode is really really solid, the story itself is pretty thin but the finale in particular is fucking stellar. like, the final boss fight, but that whole last sector feels extremely elevated. these levels just Feel Better when they've got that sense of place to them. that secret level is absolutely devious though, jesus christ lol.

i tried really hard to get a feel for the multiplayer but im just actually bad at it and as fun as i think it can be when i get matched with people who are actually at my skill level it just does not happen. i think i have a 1:3 win/lose ratio right now, lmao. its pitiful. probably wouldn't bother me nearly as much if losing all the time didnt make leveling so slow, and if leveling wasnt tied to the clothes you have access to. nintendo just roll out a "put me in the remedial class" option. i just wanna play dress up!

Reviewed on Sep 29, 2022
