survival game with automation elements with surprisingly little jank. good for an obsession for a few weeks to stop when progression slows down.

a terrific little loveletter to online. good writing. boss battles are very frustrating though. the orb collecting is fun. kind of hope a racing mode gets implemented. oh and the music is killer.

Exactly what it says on the tin. Nothing to hate about this for casual players.

just as cute and charming as the first one.

please play with me.

Terrific PvE shooter. probably repetitive to the more hardcore gamer types out there but if you like games that give you situations that require you to think on your feet then this is the best one out there.

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Kind of wild that it's still the best one to ever do it. Only a matter of time though before something tops it.

it's definitely not perfect. combat is very clunky, friendship is tedious without wiki reading, the game world isn't totally cohesive. it's weird that you can have magical creatures harvest your crops for you but you can't pay villagers to help you out.

but it's great at what it's meant to be. a farming sim with friendship elements and different activities to do during the day. time management simulator.

this is a good game for people who want to play with their friends but their friends are frustratingly knowledgeable at video games in general and don't share information until it's time to get mad at you. just enough bullshit to equalize the playing field.

I don't like shoot 'em ups that kill you on walls. cute game though.


I like the idea and why people like it, but I just can't get around the thought that most of the upgrades feel useless. it's probably supposed to be like that in a sort of masochism game way but I just don't have any drive to continue when I get "bad items" on "bad runs."

It's the nature of the roguelike for sure, but Hades still made me feel like any upgrade was a positive one and not just a wolf in sheep's clothing, more like gungeon where you reset when the first gun you get sucks.

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