Splatoon 3 is an interesting one. Unlike the previous two installments, it seems as though the Hero Campaign of Splatoon 3 was the development team‘s main focus, even more than the online mode. The latter one barely got any updates in regards to what Splatoon 2 left us with - not a single new game mode that isn‘t tied to events.

The Hero Mode on the other hand feels like a fully fleshed out game, not just an addon for the online game. It features more levels than ever before, combining the best aspects of previous Hero Campaigns and Splatoon 2‘s Octo Expasion DLC - one of the best DLCs of all time. And it‘s not easy either, some levels are incredibly difficult, which is why players are able to finish the story by only playing some of the levels.

The levels themselves are okay. Some good, some bad. The finale of Splatoon 3 takes a lot of inspiration from Octo Expansion. Which is a good thing. Unfortunately those final segments are a lot less enjoyable and tense than the 2018 expansion. The final boss itself is a huge letdown. They definitely tried to reuse the perfect formula they made in Splatoon 1s final boss, though again this new version is a lot less enjoyable than the original. Overall Splatoon 3 Hero Mode is a very fun campaign that unfortunately gets dragged down by its little brother, the online mode.

Reviewed on Jan 15, 2024
