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1 day

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April 27, 2022

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This review contains spoilers

i have a feeling this will be an unpopular take, but honestly? i think this game is held back by its art game ambitions and attempts at meta trickery. the first act is wonderfully atmospheric and full of intrigue, but its mysteries prove to be more interesting than the answers provided in the coming two acts.

the surprise of the second act's visual switch-up isn't enough to make up for how aesthetically boring it is in comparison. gameplay also takes a nosedive when it ditches roguelike tension for increasingly bloated mechanics. to its credit, the game manages to pick itself up a little in the third act, but by that point the charm has largely worn off. i also cannot emphasise how much everything about luke carder is just a total misfire.

that being said, inscryption is still pretty neat. the game earns itself a lot of goodwill with its first act, and there are memorable moments later on as well, especially in the third act. i enjoyed my time with it, but anything that peaks as early as this does can't help but leave you feeling bitter for the rest of it.