This is probably the most stylistically pleasing racing game I've ever played. From the start of the intro video, browsing the menus, to actually racing in game, it's audiovisual perfection. The late 90s graphic designs, trademark PS1 style 3D graphics, and of course, the outstandingly catchy techno-jazz soundtrack, it all supports and completes each other. Oh, and did I mention that the game has great sound design? The way they implement the stereo effects is really good, especially considering it's a PS1 game.

As the race starts, you'll be treated by mostly great and varied track designs and arcade-leaning controls that holds up quite well. Whether you're eating through those corners by drifting, or just cleanly doing your job with a tight grip machine, it's all good fun. Maybe if you're like me and are used to modern, less arcade-y racing games, you'll need some time to get used to the controls, but that's just a matter of time.

In terms of game modes and features, it's a solid but relatively light package. The main attraction, the Grand Prix, is a series of races you can finish within an hour or two, featuring light stories that is actually more impactful than I would have expected. You can tackle it with one of four different "teams", which will decide the difficulty of the GP (and also decides which story/characters you get to see), and one of the four "sponsors", which decides what kind of cars you'll be driving. The GP mode is essentially a relatively quick tour of the game's best features. You'll be put into high stakes races and short story monologues that makes you care even more about the races, while the game's impeccable presentation supports it all. Want more racing? There's other modes like time attack and VS mode that'll keep you in check once you're done with the GPs, which you could finish in one sitting (by which I mean finishing all the four team's story). It is quite light on the quantity side, but it's hard to complain too much when everything maintains a high quality bar.

R4 is a must play, not just for racing fans, but for everyone in general. No matter what, there's something here that will amaze you, whether it's the gameplay, aesthetics or soundtrack.

Reviewed on Oct 22, 2022
