I accidentally bought this for like 7 bucks and I feel utterly embarrassed. Remind me to not touch any online store app when I have a fever. This is just Mass Effect at home, it's so amateurish and low budget to an almost charming degree. It reminds me of those scam MMOs, but without the malicious intent of scamming people, these devs just simply can't do any better with the resources they have. Skill issue, money issue, manpower issue, etc etc.

Reviewed on May 23, 2023


11 months ago

You could say its quality is a reach at that price

11 months ago

@Yultimona BOOOOO

11 months ago

I also gotta say: you know the game's good when they have the main character doing an A-Pose (lowered t-pose) on the cover lmao

They didn't even try to hide it

11 months ago

@Yultimona yeah lol she basically did that same pose right before I got to actually play as her, it almost feels intentional