I played this through BigFishGames for a little bit before quitting. The gameplay is basically just Candy Crush, but with a different skin and a different map.

If there was one thing I liked more about Gummy Drop, it was the map progression, where you actually built up certain areas as you finished levels. On the flip side, I personally preferred the more pastel/cute look of Candy Crush (well, Soda, I didn't play the other ones that much) over the eye-searingly bright primary colors of Gummy Drop.

In terms of everything else...level gameplay felt really similar to me, albeit more like original Candy Crush where there weren't as many variations to the levels. In games like this, the visuals are important to keeping people coming back imo, and I think unfortunately the map idea being kind of cool wasn't enough to overcome the really generic and less cute design.

Reviewed on Feb 24, 2024
