8 Reviews liked by barti

ainda assim o kiwami 1 é superior, a luta final contra o ryuji prova isso (no kiwami 1 passei mal pro nishikiyama e no 2 o ryuji é bastante fácil) AINDA ASSIM QUE JOGAO ME VICIOU MT!!!!!!!

Historia foda mas o combate é todo torto.
Mini game do cabare é top tier 🥶🥶🥶🥶🥶🥶🥶


Que jogo bom. a historia, gameplay são otimas, ele é muito lento ate realmente começar de verdade. Digo que demorei 8h para começar a gostar do jogo, eu diria que ele é um jogo OK, joguei em 2024 e ainda sim tem varios bugs que é muito chato, inclusive o pior deles, na ultima missão, tem uma chance alta da missao bugar e você tem que ir na steam e verificar os arquivos ou colocar os graficos no ultra pra desbugar. Se não fosse os bugs e o jogo ser muito lento, com certeza seria 5 estrelas

What a good game. The story and gameplay are great, it's very slow until it really starts. I will say that it took me 8 hours to start liking the game, I would say it is an OK game, I played it in 2024 and it still has several bugs that are very annoying, including the worst one, in the last mission, there is a high chance of the mission going wrong and you have to go to steam and check the files or put the graphics on ultra to debug them. If it weren't for the bugs and the game being very slow, it would definitely be 5 stars


é o unico jogo de futebol que tem hoje em dia, gosto da gamplay, mas tem muito bugs que quebram muito o jogo

It's the only football game available nowadays, I like the gameplay, but it has a lot of bugs that break the game a lot


Meu resident evil favorito. Graficos, historia, jogabilidade e dificuldade me mostram o que é um resident evil de verdade, o mapa que se interliga todo, os inimigos que são incriveis e a trilha sonora. As munições que acabam rapido e que voçê passa correndo por zumbies do que atirando, ele da medo e me mostrou o que é resident evil.

My favorite Resident Evil. Graphics, story, gameplay and difficulty show me what a real Resident Evil is, the map that is interconnected, the enemies that are incredible and the soundtrack. The ammunition that runs out quickly and you run past zombies rather than shoot, it scares me and showed me what Resident Evil is.

This really is a series where the more you play an entry the better it gets. At first, I wasn’t big on DMC4, I felt like it had a slow pace, Nero was just lamer Dante with combat that wasn’t varied enough, and the level design was just meh. Well I was pretty wrong (for the most part), this game grew on me really really fast. However, this game is clearly pretty mixed with DMC fans pretty much for those exact reasons. So what do I think?

First of all, I love Nero. His story is really fun and I love getting some diversity in gameplay and personality. Nero is a lot edgier and has much different motivations compared to Dante, which I enjoyed. Nero’s gameplay also really grew on me, at first I thought it was boring, but Devil Bringer is really fun and allows for awesome combos. And not only that but the Red Queen having the motor and the Max-Act mechanic makes it extra fun. By the end of Nero’s missions, I was enjoying him and his story a lot. Not to mention this game has great voice acting, and a very good story and villains.

Dante is awesome in this game too. Adding the style switching was a great idea, it makes Dante have crazy combo potential. He still feels great as always. His presence in this game’s story is great too. Having him play an antagonistic role is really fun, then getting to switch to him in the second half is a great payoff but also makes the game way more varied. His missions though…

The level design is really the only thing that falls short in Devil May Cry 4. It’s not bad, but sometimes it can get confusing and the levels can be repetitive. Not to mention some enemies are just insanely annoying. I think most of the time, because of the combat, the levels are still fun. BUT, when you get to Dante you just play Nero’s part backwards, same bosses and all. Kinda lame. You play Dante so ultimately it’s still fun and a little different, but I can imagine replaying the story might get kinda stale. I don’t hate the level design in this game, I think some levels are great, I like the environments a lot because it’s very different for DMC, but sometimes they’re annoying.

That’s a pretty big deal, and this game would be a 4/5 but…. There are 3 extra playable characters. I mean in the Special Edition you get Vergil, Trish, and Lady, who are all very fleshed out and different experiences to play, which is so badass. Vergil is better than he is in DMC3 because he has way more options, and he’s super fun (not that he wasn’t previously he’s just better here). And playing Trish and Lady is just awesome, I always wanted to play them and it pays off, they are super fun. So in the end, I’m giving this a 4.5/5 because there’s a lot to love about this game, even if it isn’t perfect and doesn't reach the heights of DMC3, still a great follow up.


Como esse jogo não é reconhecido como uma obra prima? a história, jogabilidade, inimigos, missões e o mapa, tudo me agradou, ele é um jogo unico que vale a pena cada minuto. Sem duvidas um classico do ps4, espero ansioso pela continuação e ver Jin sakai novamente.

How is this game not recognized as a masterpiece? the story, gameplay, enemies, missions and the map, everything pleased me, it is a unique game that is worth every minute. Without a doubt a PS4 classic, I look forward to the sequel and seeing Jin Sakai again.

Pessoal das reviews tá sendo meio injusto com esse jogo então vou fazer questão de só falar o que eu acho bom nele.
Eu creio que ele consegue achar um balanço muito interessante entre acessibilidade e profundidade de gameplay, os comandos são simples o suficiente para até o mais inexperiente dos jogadores montar um combo simples depois de uns 10 minutos de jogo mas ao mesmo tempo ele te entrega mecânicas que te permitem variar bastante seus combos mesmo com as limitadíssimas opções na maioria dos movesets.
E ainda sobre os movesets, chega a ser bizarro pra mim como todos são muitíssimo interessantes, nenhum personagem desse jogo é chato de se jogar. Eu até entendo quem sente uma antipatia por conta deles basicamente não terem muita personalidade, mas visto que eles aparentemente foram mais criados para cumprir um papel do que para serem personagens de verdade, eu acho isso tolerável e até louvável.