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Played on Switch (it was in sale for 8 bucks a year ago, I’m late) so I’ll get out of the way that the sheer volume of frame drops from AI sight or flashback triggers SUCKED. And I’ll warn people up front that if gore, particularly eye gore (getting yanked out, open sockets) is a trigger, you’ll probably need to deliberate on if this is for you. I’m specifically triggered by eye gore (not trauma, just always have been) and didn’t know how prevalent it was in the game on the outset, and obviously I managed to enjoy it a ton in spite of it. But it’s. A lot. And I think it’s fair to warn people about it. Beyond that? There’s an exceptionally written story that’s heartwarming and psychologically thrilling, and pretty funny. There are plenty of jokes that are distasteful, but MOST are done at the expense of the characters who are being total degenerates. It’s a shock that I was able to get so attached to a MC who’s an unabashed pervert. Excellent game that I couldn’t put down.