I can see the hype; it has a beautiful soundtrack, it's very humorous and absurd and overall pretty colorful and beautiful game. The only problem is the gameplay for me, I couldn't control the katamari the way I wanted to and I felt like I was just rambling randomly. Playing this with a keyboard must be the problem as I couldn't see properly where I was going.

Reviewed on Feb 13, 2021


3 years ago

I played this on a keyboard too yeah it's not as smooth as playing with analog sticks but It's not that hard to control the katamari.

3 years ago

idk you need to get used to Katamari being hard to control

3 years ago

I guess I was impatient, gonna have to give it a go some other time.

3 years ago

I believe that It'll grow on you with time. Expecially after 3rd stage or so