The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion is like Skyrim, but with responsibility.

It's an incredibly huge open world RPG with Oblivion being slightly larger in size. Like a lot of other Bethesda games, pre-Skyrim, Oblivion feels very different and in its own world. It's not just about the level scaling differences; but rather the seriousness that's put into the experience, and how much it changes how you approach things.

In Skyrim you'll probably find that you'll go through the game fairly quickly, if you tackle the main quest and nothing else. With Oblivion, however, you feel yourself dragged towards optional sidequests and branching arcs which take you two, three levels of subplots down.

If you, for instance, accidentally shoot your arrow at archery practice at the head of Rhano of the Fighter's Guild, he permanently dies. The same goes for virtually all of the other guildmates and characters. You can be permanently booted from guilds, and unintentionally ruin many more questlines than in Skyrim by killing an NPC.

Caught inbetween the dialog and lore-heavy Morrowind and the casual appeal of Skyrim, Oblivion is the perfect mix of seriousness and fun. With mods, it's aged very well for a 15+ year old game.

Reviewed on Aug 08, 2022


6 months ago

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