Really great! The knowledge that there's more content on the way makes me wish I'd held off for a little while to play something a bit longer, but the gestures towards a larger world on show here are pretty special. The slow arc from feeling lost on The Eye to feeling extremely comfortable navigating it is one of the best portrayals of arriving in a new place that I've ever seen in a video game.

My only real criticism of the game is that none of the stories on show here really interacted with each other in a meaningful way outside of one notable example - there were tiny crossovers here and there, but I felt like completing certain Drives should have locked you out of others or impacted the outcomes and content of other questlines. This of course widen's the game's scope by a significant amount, and overall I think this is a pretty special thing worth your time at its current scale.

Put more dice in video games

Reviewed on Jul 22, 2022
