Very unique take on the classic DOOM formula, leaning heavily into the atmosphere and horror DOOM3 tried to capture. The Aubrey Hodges soundtrack adds so much to the mood of the game, and the colored lighting and mapwork are extremely well done, adding to the demonic setting the game conveys. Maps are mostly well done, though throughout the game and especially at the later half there are some frustrating puzzles and I had lots of points where I just didn't know what to do to continue a level. Art design is good as well, with enemy sprites looking less exaggerated and more fear-inducing. I absolutely think any DOOM fan should at least play this, as it has a very distinct style that none of the other games really capture, besides Quake 1 and 2. The Lost Levels are great as well, they serve as a good companion piece to DOOM Eternal if you plan to play that.

Reviewed on Feb 17, 2024
