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Days in Journal

2 days

Last played

March 26, 2023

First played

January 20, 2023

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ive listened to bright sandstorm every day for the past 11 months since this game released, and i can confidently say that its my favourite FE battle theme ever.
the rest of this game's soundtrack is pretty neat, but holy shit does bright sandstorm and its variations just completely mog the shit out of everything else.

such a radiant theme to go alongside some of my favourite FE maps of recent memory (ch13's night village is so fucking good OH MY GOD)
i especially like this dual-mix - 1:26 is just PURE LUDOKINO-BUMPS: https://youtu.be/3ag9GtZI17U?si=DSXmMViAJmD1xz6c
ive listened to it so much i can literally pick out all the instruments in both calm and fiery now 😭😭😭😭

((is it just me or does FE map music hit harder on maddening/lunatic modes exclusively??? i swear, it makes me feel like a master tactician or something 😭😭))

anyways i just wanted to have a late night ramble about this game, i truly and utterly love it so much - goofy plot and all. of course, theres always things i strongly wish it did better, but i could say the same for all FE titles. i just love this series so much, man. please play this game, its the coziest feel-good experience ever.

It's already been worn to death here, so I'm just gonna lay it down quickly.

2nd best gameplay and maps in the series (to Fates Conquest, of course 😏), coupled with one of the most underwhelming plots in FE history. At least it's funny though, so if you're irony-poisoned like I am, you'll most definitely enjoy its campiness.

I should at least mention that this game's cast of characters are way too fucking hilarious. What they lack in depth, they make up for it in spades with charm.

Play on Hard Mode first, and if that gets too easy - don't be afraid to drop that playthrough halfway through and play on Maddening - trust me, it's the best way to enjoy this game's varied systems.