It's utterly depressing how under-the-radar a gem like this will continue to be - and not in the way that would further accentuate its' beauty. I genuinely need more people to play this game.

Gorgeous, detailed environments reminiscent of a cutesy Book of Kells accompanied by a soundtrack so lovely and enchanting - despite reminding me of dreadful Monday morning Irish classes back in secondary school. If forest fairies took part in game development, this game would surely be their end product.

While the combat initially does feels rather boring, the game does TRY (huge emphasis on "try") to find ways to deter mindless mashing, which I do appreciate. It's more so an experience where you get lost within its' wistful world and quaint story surrounding Cereza's relationship with that big ass cat that chuffs fat darts - so I'm kinda okay with the less than stellar mob fights (which would normally be a huge dealbreaker for me, with how much I've always valued the importance of good battle mechanics).

Overall, it embodies the same warmness that Clover Studio used to emanate back in its' heyday, so if you know what that entails, then I'm sure you'll understand why I think so highly of this game.

Not to get all "soul/soulless/blahblahwordswordswords", but this game truly feels like it was made with the most honest and sheer of love. Please consider giving it a try - it needs those sales way more than Bayonetta 3 does, anyways.

Reviewed on Oct 23, 2023
