Brrr, Skibidi dop dop dop
The Skibidi toilets are about to drop some heat
On this kindergarten FNAF rip-off, yes, yes!
On another dimension like it's 4D chess
Got views in the billions
Racking up the dough, while you're scrambling for the dividends
You're not getting me spooked, SFM
But between us, I'm the YouTube and you're the poop
Get that Skibidi W, reeh, reeh
Gonna Skibidi body you, EZ
Get you Skibidi down on your knees, knees
So you can Skibidi dop on deez, hmm

ive listened to bright sandstorm every day for the past 11 months since this game released, and i can confidently say that its my favourite FE battle theme ever.
the rest of this game's soundtrack is pretty neat, but holy shit does bright sandstorm and its variations just completely mog the shit out of everything else.

such a radiant theme to go alongside some of my favourite FE maps of recent memory (ch13's night village is so fucking good OH MY GOD)
i especially like this dual-mix - 1:26 is just PURE LUDOKINO-BUMPS:
ive listened to it so much i can literally pick out all the instruments in both calm and fiery now 😭😭😭😭

((is it just me or does FE map music hit harder on maddening/lunatic modes exclusively??? i swear, it makes me feel like a master tactician or something 😭😭))

anyways i just wanted to have a late night ramble about this game, i truly and utterly love it so much - goofy plot and all. of course, theres always things i strongly wish it did better, but i could say the same for all FE titles. i just love this series so much, man. please play this game, its the coziest feel-good experience ever.


earlier thoughts before i reached enlightenment:
so does the game get worse later on or is it just weirdly pedantic people being obsessed over the fake bnuuys or the the artstyle shift etc. ???

(speaking as a huge fan of rabi-ribi, i cant see anything wrong with this game so far, its just pure fun.
if something does feel off towards the end, i'll mention it in a future edit. otherwise, im already liking this game more than the first one)


forever grateful that tevi and rabi-ribi's artstyle keeps filtering so many people. it really is like firing gunshots every now and then to keep the rent low

incredibly sovlful artstyle, it ended up growing on me after repeatedly watching vanilla alice get obliterated in my countless attempts to clear TLB

(my GOAT shigatake also drew vanilla alice, which means you should play her game.)

thank you tatsuya izumi for kickstarting an entire decade's worth of witch suffering with this game

(TWATHK isn't particularly good, but you can't actually convince me that most game journos actually finished it - or even played it past that mice scene - before reviewing it. truly, master lia's game was doomed before it even released.)

anyone who engages with boykisser media should lose their human rights tbh

thank you esteemed youtube channel @Transparency for introducing me to capcomkino

metroidcels and hollowknight-babies can't compete with true kino

at least its shitmons look exponentially better than whatever tf temtem was doing (by virtue of just putting gamefreak designs through stable diffusion)

some of yall have gone so far deep into anti-gamefreak rhetoric (which yeah, is wholly valid) that you've shifted the pendulum in order to defend this slop. is palworld really the hill you want to die on?

literally just play spectrobes instead

traced artwork (, embarassingly childish responses to genuine criticism (, with extremely shallow gameplay and an uninspired cast - only shit like this can make me spout /v/-tier essays of sheer disdain. im honestly struggling to think of any positives i can say about this game aside from an okay couple of music tracks.

to anybody that backed this on kickstarter and had to wait six entire years of little to no updates at all for THIS - im so sorry.

one piece if it was actually good

the great filter of 2024, almost every single (overtly) negative review on steam can be summed up as a simple issue of skill.

all this has told me is that umihara kawase (and other platformers that dont immediately hand you a million bing bing wahoo jumps without having worked for it) will prolly never see the light of day again.

edit: ...i will say though, that yeah, there is a mild amount of jank in here. nothing to really spoil the experience, but it's there.
editedit: okay, with all the complaints about bugs that i'm seeing, yeah i think i just got lucky with my playthrough.