Pretty sure my record was 12

Beautiful visuals and a story that only gets better as you go. I did feel that the platforming mechanics could have been improved on, making some sections frustrating that I'm pretty sure weren't supposed to be super challenging. Would definitely recommend.

We played this game a ton but we could never figure out how to advance so we just skated around.

Is the gameplay particularly compelling? No. Did my brother and I have a ton of fun with it when we were kids and it was the only game we were good at? Absolutely.

Played this game a ton when I was 9. Never could get passed the second level.

After getting stuck and abandoning a dozen games partway through in the days before you could just google a walkthrough, this was the first game I actually managed to beat.

Easily the most stressful gaming experience of my life.

Found out about the tarantula hawks. RIP.