Yo-Kai Watch 2: Psychic Spectres is a fun game with a lot of content that only sometimes likes to be bad. I love the sheer amount of fun stuff to do (especially in the postgame), the Saturday morning cartoon style to the games early chapters lend a lot to the pleasant and charming atmosphere but YKW2 will occasionally grind to a halt with key quests and admittedly fun bosses which come with jarring difficulty spikes (the final boss comes to mind here). The battle system despite being basically just auto attacks does a pretty good job at keeping the player engaged (bosses and enemies will usually require the player to target something in particular as well as clear any status effects).

TLDR: Very much worth the timesink because of the amount of stuff to do. Easy recommendation for anyone looking to spend anywhere between 20-100+ hours on a 3DS game.

Also [spoilers for the post-game final boss] Kat Kraydel sucks.

Reviewed on Apr 14, 2023
