"accidentally purchased" on my kindle as a bab. i tried to summon herobrine & i DID make the glowstone water portal. i was a big fool

i wish it wouldn't crash so much but to be fair i'm not sure how much i should count mods against this game. i love the idea of a fighting game that appeals to smash bros players but without the physical strain. i also happen to be a furry so it wasn't scary

the art style was kinda ugly but in some moments it grew on me

objectively a kind of whatever party game wii thing but i had a lot of fun with it

i share my steam account. one day, i saw this was purchased. wouldn't really pay for this experience, as i think there's much more fun games to play with friends, but this is a little addicting. i really liked the style at first but now it makes me see red & you all know why


oh my god this game STINKS i had no idea how to operate it & when i sort of got an idea i still just would rather play some good ol java. respect to people who actually play this but i can't stand it

big black was the best feature

all i cared about was the pokemon amie yarn game. other than that this game was lame. training pokemon was so confusing

a very fun warioware to play with incorporated wii elements. my only critique is that there is a LITTLE too many fart jokes but this is wario after all

happy to say i grew up with this game! it has eaten more hours than i can fathom. i think it's a shame that this game sort of marked the end of enchanting dialogue from villagers, but i appreciated them nonetheless. having control over the town was really fun then, but nowadays i just wanna play another animal crossing where you're nothing special. isabelle is a parasite but i main her in smash so i owe her my life