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Days in Journal

2 days

Last played

January 19, 2024

First played

November 9, 2023

Platforms Played


Completion Criteria: All case files solved

I went in ready to deny the naysayers but the game really is very middling. Played in Co-op. From the getgo I was pretty impressed. It looks pretty good and the character options seemed fun. Kali Sticks, Bo Staff and Tonfa are some of my favourite options. I didn't really vibe with Nighwing and Tim is probably my least favourite bat personality outside of Jason so Batgirl was decided. And then you get into combat and it just immediately feels of. Slow and meandering, a rhythm which is more monotonous then regular Batman combat which was already decisive. It just controls quite badly. Luckily the game starts pretty simple so you don't have to pay too much attention but that changes as you go on. Specifically, most late game enemies are extremely tedious. They will often just teleport away. And you will run around aimlessly for what felt like up to a minute for them to respawn sometimes. Flying enemies that meander in the air for an age while you run donuts just don't feel like they fit into the game. The story is pretty underwhelming. With the court having a lot of untapped potential in favour of a pretty obvious plot. I had heard about the controversy behind crimes before but it was never really explained properly. During certain multiple points in the story. You are tasked with finding specific groups of randomly assigned enemies to spawn and interrogate them. Even amongst these spawns, only small enemies can be interrogated. This leads to you often going to a group of enemies and having to fight the strongest enemies first and most likely accidentally killing of anyone you can interrogate. On the flip side, we would often end up going into autopilot if there were no large enemies and just killing everyone, forgetting to interrogate. The game doesn't really teach you how to do this and even if it did, there's not a great reason as to why they shouldn't just mark them on the map for you or make it non faction related.

Overall just a very middling game. Wouldn't recommend. Nice to understand the complaints though