Bloodborne excels in every aspect. The gameplay is fun and intense, the lore is interesting and it has an amazing soundtrack.

In the beginning all you know is that you have to hunt down the beasts that roam Yharnam's streets, but as you progress, you start to discover a lot more about the dark, grim and tragic story of the plague-ridden city and its residents.
The game has such an amazing atmosphere. Perfect worldbuilding

The bosses are really well designed (there are a few exceptions) and they are fair. There are fights against huge beasts and other hunters. When you fight a hunter boss it almost feels like an elegant dance with them as you attack each other and quickstep around in the arena.

Finally, the soundtrack of the game is brilliant. It really fits the game and makes the bosses even better.

Reviewed on Jan 01, 2022


2 years ago

chalice dungeons tho... so bad you probably didn't even think to bring them up

2 years ago

The chalice dungeons get a lot of hate, and yes, they could have been done better, but there are people who still enjoy them. The biggest problem is the grinding you have to do if you want to complete all the shared dungeons, and the only way around this is a ps plus subscription. Another issue is that some bosses are literally basic enemies and they just have more hp.

I don't really have a problem with grinding, so this wasn't a big issue for me. Yes, there are reused enemies as bosses, but there are also bosses which are unique to the chalice dungeons. And even the dungeons are connected to the lore of the game.

I enjoyed my time with the dungeons. I think if you are playing for the first time, it's worth the grind. They are also optional if you aren't going for the platinum.

2 years ago

idk about every aspect since it mimicked a lot of what dark souls did wrong. an awful final part of the game except for 1 boss, dlc making people forget how bad some of the stuff in base game were, AWFUL chalice dungeons...
yeah game is top tier