Mario Kart on steroids. Takes those core mechanics and injects a gallon of adrenaline into it. Boost system is hard, but satisfying to master, and the speeds a skilled player can reach are ludicrous. Absolute thrill ride.

Still good, but not as good as CTR. Controls are not as good, and the anti-gravity sections can be rather clunky, but the track design is strong enough to make up for it. Also has some very good visuals for a relatively-early sixth generation title.

This is the stupidest and one of the most wildly inconsistent games I have ever played. But that's kind of the charm. Nowhere near as good as Crash Team Racing, but a very unique title that combines racing and shooting elements in a way that... sort of works? Kinda? Also has platforming sections, because you can REALLY tell the dev team wanted to work on a mainline Crash game.

Four games for the price of one! We've got a guy that has a very poor perception of what gardening tools are meant to be used for, a tiny bird man who's also the most unhinged character in the game, the Grim Reaper but not really, and a monarch that stars in the closest thing we'll ever get to a new Wario Land game.

A Game Boy platformer with like a billion different branching pathways. Love how unreasonably ambitious that concept is. Also, Wario is literally immortal for absolutely no reason. He just is. And you're just expected to roll with it. Great game

An incredibly solid and varied WarioWare game that makes excellent use of the Nintendo DS' touch screen. Also introduced Ashley into the series and the WarioWare fandom has not known peace since.

WarioWare, but it's a UGC game. There are very few concepts that'd appeal to me quite as much as that, and it is done very well. Microgames are way simpler than in Touched, but the creation tools make up for it. Too bad you can't upload microgames anymore.

It's like 2D Mario, but in 3D! How crazy is THAT!? It's a good game, if a bit easy.

Good single-player game, great multiplayer game. Takes the foundation set by Super Mario 3D Land and refines it with better levels and more stuff to do.

A very technologically impressive Genesis title with flawed gameplay. Has a distinctly late-90's charm to it, a great soundtrack and some pretty good bits of level design from time to time, but some very frustrating moments and occasionally spotty collision detection. Has its fans for sure, but I am not really one of them, unfortunately.

Never played this a whole lot but it's definitely a solid game. Art style is very cool, and the combat is fun. Would probably like it a whole lot more if I actually sat down and played through the whole game. Will that ever happen? I have no idea.

Still not sure what exactly this game is but it's definitely innovative. Not amazing but I could see why someone would like it. It's just not really for me.

A really solid platformer from Sonic Team with a fun core mechanic and great presentation. Severely underrated game, really hope SEGA brings it back one of these days.

This game has 128,016,000 unique levels. It's estimated that it'd take 400 years of non-stop play to see all of what this game has to offer. That's longer than the United States of America has existed. This game is actually incomprehensible.

A decent 3D platformer based off the movie. Nothing groundbreaking but an enjoyable time. Also has a soundtrack that's way better than it has any right to be.