7 reviews liked by bodyhammer

Score: 79/100

The fact that this game officially got abandoned in 2018 will always make me pretty sad. So much potential, man. As is, though, its still really good. Every single map is really fun with tons of rooms to explore, or in the case of the harbor, tons of crates to hide and be sneak around in. All the modes are pretty fun, and I haven't even delved in the modding scene. Which could be terrible since I've never taken a look at it, but eh, I wouldn't dock any points if the mods suck. Killing in this game is a lot more satisfying than most others, and I attribute a lot of that to the sound effects. They're not complex or anything, but they have a punchiness to them that I really love. The weapons are all fun to use, and trying to remain undetected can be quite fun, even If I prefer just charging in and taking on everyone at once :D

Comme Among Us mais avec moins de contrainte

those 80 gorillion copies sold weren't lying that balatro do be addictive

You can't get more ''arcadie'' than this, just pure satisfiying fun.

man dont do this to yourself

my wife left me because i was playing this game so much



It starts off and you're like "oh dude this is actually pretty fun"

And then you keep playing it