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Got it on discount and i really enjoyed it thus far but got sick of it fast too. The controls confuse me a lot but the graphics were really enjoyable and stuff. Great for me to wind down after a longer day but overall not a huge fan of it (yet)

As far as grinding goes, i can no longer commit that time to it and this game obviously rewards that, moreso if you’re into tiering. Gacha mechanic is whatever, you just kind of get used to it if you dabbled into bandori or genshin impact or anything similar before. My favourite part of project sekai is generally the content (songs mvs etc) but those are arguably available online anyway. The rhythm game mechanic on its own is well done on base but can be glitchy, still an upgrade from similar rhythm games like bandori and kpop superstars

I love every version of brain age in general but devilish training had the best scratch, the best push for my brain in all versions tested. I feel extremely reasonably challenged whenever i play this version of brain agw