I guess the parkour mechanic was too novel and fun for younger me back in the day to realize that this game sucks.

As much as I liked the story and ending, god damn this game is mind-numbingly repetitive and an absolute SLOG to get through. I couldn't stand waiting for drawn-out NPC dialogue to be over so I could go out and do the exact same missions ad nauseam.

And don't even get me started on the relentless nightmare of mandatory tower climbing in order to progress the story. NPCs just give you a general description of where the important ones are ONCE (if you missed it, tough luck), and I kept having to climb random ones over and over again just to be able to unlock a single quest.

In my opinion, this game is not worth playing at all. If you're interested in getting into this series, I would advise to just watch a story summary on YouTube and to start with a later installment.

Reviewed on Aug 25, 2023
