Fire Emblem 4 takes everything that I have loved about this series and somehow was able to recontextualize and create something new that surprised me, and it worked so effectively it became an immediate favorite. The large scope and scale not only makes the narrative so interesting and grand, but it provides for a mechanical refinement of the gameplay that makes it as fun as it is accessible. It is going to be hard to go back to Fire Emblem without the giant maps that let you pace the progression to your own playstyle and provide such a perfectly balanced challenge, but I love how unique and fresh this game is because of it. I also loved it’s story, it's a very simple overarching goal of a noble hero gathering a crew to take back the world from an evil- retreading a lot of what made Shadow Dragon so beloved by me as these simple tales are so charming- but it uses the scope to make it have its own layer of tensity and personal stakes. While the cryptic hidden items or recruitment requirements that occasionally show themselves or the somewhat expected occasional exhaustion can sometimes bring the experience down, it’s a small dent in this beautifully made game. Even as someone who has been playing this series for years and years now, it felt so refreshing and exciting. Wonderful game, and a must play for anyone who likes the series and/or genre.

Reviewed on Feb 21, 2023

1 Comment

1 year ago

I'm still super happy you enjoyed yourself