Felt like the end of a big chapter reaching the end of this with a dark knight decked out in gold chaos armor with a horse unlocked that plays the fucking metal boss theme when you ride it.

I had a really good time with this. The story does end up falling into around the same formula of A Realm Reborn, but with the addition of bigger setpieces, more interesting locations, a couple of adult themes sprinkled in, and foregoing that awful grind to level 30 that plagued the base game. It was a really tight and fun experience overall to see them play on different FF tropes with a more serious but always charming tone.

I started out my career here tanking with Paladin and bringing up a Dragoon alongside it, this was really fun and helpful to have some context for Estinian by the time he rolled around. I tried bringing up Arcanist to have a healer/magic DPS but before I could do that I went all in for Astrologian to get a healer class. I had some fun with it in some dungeons even if I didn't get all the mechanics that came with it, machinist is a fun class too, but for my playthrough it was smart to stick with tanking for Dark Knight(and get them classic beeg swords) plus its questline was pretty badass.

As much as I'd love to jump into the expansions and that Gunbreaker class, I don't think just yet I'm ready to pay subscription for a game I already got 200 hours of playtime from. What I can say is that this was really solid and more interesting than most of the mainline titles released this generation, I'm very glad that this series has some new lifeblood in it with Yoshi P who seems to really respect the history(and found a way to bring elements of Amano's designs into 3D finally!!!).

Really excited for 16 and excited to hear and see what the fans think of Endwalker when it drops. I feel almost like I've been playing the expansions vicariously through Sakaguchi's Twitter, and all the fanservice the game has brought throughout really warms my heart. Long live Eorzia and its truly great community of players!

Reviewed on Nov 14, 2021
