3 reviews liked by butters42

If Dark Souls 2 has a million haters, then I am one of them. If Dark Souls 2 has ten haters, then I am one of them. If Dark Souls 2 has only one hater then that is me. If Dark Souls 2 has no haters, then that means I am no longer on earth. If the world is with Dark Souls 2, then I am against the world.

people talk about this game like it's some groundbreaking, breathtaking, wonderful pinnacle of video games and i really wish i understood that. this game feels really nice to move around in, its visuals are really appealing and its score is pretty cute. but there's not much of a real narrative (or writing at all), no memorable characters, no cool side-quests, no dungeons, a pitiful lack of enemy variety + almost no bosses, and nothing that made exploring feel worthwhile. most of it feels like filler check-list fluff (towers, shrines, koroks). the world is well-designed but there's not much substance inside of it beyond its sandbox elements. i genuinely feel like, insane for not liking this the way people talk about it but i just do not see it personally. it's just okay!

botw looks so badly designed compared to this one