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(thoughts on this and the answer arcs) my favorite story, piece of fiction, piece of media, whatever you might label it. genuinely changed my mindset and outlook for the better. it's a story about the importance of narrative as it relates to ones' life, and the value in trying to understand others' stories rather than only seeing the world as it appears in one's own view, among many other things like love, generational trauma, and moving on. as someone who used to be super judgmental and only project my view onto everyone else, this had messages that i really needed to hear. the plot and the stakes spiral infinitely upwards in epicness and scope starting in episode 2. i never in ten million years would have guessed some of the insane, unimaginable directions things would've gone if you had only showed me episode 1. characters are impeccable and given tons of time to develop and grow. i sunk 200 hours into this and the answer arcs and finished the whole thing in one month. the writing is bloated and repetitive at times, yes, and a few arcs can drag on longer than necessary, but there's so much to love that i can easily overlook these flaws