I couldn't even finish it, I have never been so scared by pixels in my life

A simulator of a normal party for introverts. People are obnoxious, but fortunately there is a cute dog that is calling for you. I found that this game is perfect if projected on a wall during a party, people waiting for their turn to play with it. Amazing

The Tinder mechanics applied to politics, anthropomorphic animals as counselors for the first socialist POTUS, a sense of humour that made me and friends cackle with laughter. Warning, play it only with friends whose political views are akin to yours, you risk the worst argument ever even if you are all in perfect tuning

Very simple game, best played with 4 people. Most of the fun I have with this game is when I play against my 4yo nephew and my 85yo grandma

I would have slammed the door in his face honestly. Good game tho

It's fun and engaging, with a campaign mode that is quite challenging and a decent replayability thanks to unlockables, different maluses and objectives. It needs a lot of polishing if I'm being honest, for example a better HUD and better hitboxes.

It has a clear interface and the graphic is nice I think, but I hate gangster glorification so why did I even dowloaded it?

Short and interesting game, given the fact that it's free you can forgive all of its flaws and just enjoy one hour of psychedelic exploration and puzzles

As far as a p0rn game can be good, this is the best one I've ever played. The animations are well designed, MP is a d0uche but not unfunny, the backgrounds and the map are amazing honestly. I can criticise the h4rem style of games, the fact that MP can make every girl fall in love with him, the fact that this is pure straight male POV (why is it so difficult to find something different?), but I had fun and it's a nice product. I just wish for this kind of stupid games to become more bisexual