Log Status






Time Played

7h 30m

Days in Journal

2 days

Last played

January 10, 2024

First played

January 8, 2024

Platforms Played


This game is absolutely everything RE8 should've been it's not even funny. Not only is it a great first person survival horror, but brings such a new spin on it with it's own ImSim elements that it creates an entirely new beast. Things like the fuel and how it can be used to power the generator or on bodies to rid rats away from a crucial already not only brings a interesting trade off for the resource, but also inadvertedly creates a sort of self-imposed time limit as if you take too long, the monster'll be more prone to come back out in the dark. Even the smaller aspects like getting into rooms was cool. You can throw bricks at wooden doors, blow them up with grenades, shoot the padlocks off, but all of this comes at the tradeoff of, yet again, how much sound you make to draw out the monster, and when you do, you gotta find a good place to hide, be patient, and don't make a sound. It's super tense and creates probably one of the most consistently scary games I've played since the RE2 remake.

The setting and atmosphere is really cool too. Admittedly
the story doesn't have much to it but the backdrop of it all combined with the brutal WW1 atmosphere is unforgettable. We need more wartime horror games in general.

My only real issues if anything is the length, although it didn't bug me as much as others did because it took around 7 hours for my first run (Game clocked in at 5 hours but 2 of those really were just me being ass or dying) but at the same time I can't be bugged either because this is very much meant for replays like classic RE, even more so with the modifiers you unlock when beating the game. Maybe an extra hour couldn't hurt, but at the same time I think it works for this type of scenario and experience.

Only other small criticism is I wish the purpose of some items became at least a bit more clear, namely stuff like the stick because I had no clue you could use it as a makeshift torch to make a more quiet light or ward off rats until after I beat the game (but at the same time I also didn't get the lighter until much later then I should've because I was dumb and thought "the objective being here means everything I need is here!" ignoring the fact I had two other areas I could've explored instead of being stuck). Other then that I really loved my time with this and it's definitely opened me up to trying the other games in the series in the future.