Gonna keep this brief because I'm gonna do an updated video hopefully soon regarding PL and the 2.0 changes but here's this.

This game has become probably one of my favorites in the last decade, and 2.0 has done nothing but polish and focus more on this game's strengths with imsim gameplay. If 1.6 wasn't enough to sell you on this game, I beg you to try this game again with 2.0. It's night and day with how much they've changed.

The biggest and really only still-remaining issue I have is that the game just drops you into the world and expects you to know what's going on instantly, making this game's first act feeling like a slog. And depending on the lifepath you chose, your introduction can either feel just right or rushed as hell (in the case of streetkid). I can't stress it enough, if you aren't familiar with the TTRPG already, watch Edgerunners on Netflix first if you want a natural introduction to the world. It's only 10 episodes and each one is about 30 or so minutes long so it's not a long watch at all, you can easily binge it in a weekend.

Otherwise, you should at least know what you're getting into. The funny thing I've seen regarding 2077, even after 2.0, is that everyone has a different answer to what this game is supposed to be. Some say it's GTA, some say it's Fallout, some say it's Far Cry... but the truth is it's none of that. And I'm surprised no one has seen it sooner.

Cyberpunk is an open-world Deus Ex game.

And a damn amazing one at that.

If you go in expecting that and with the proper foreknowledge going in, be ready to have your heart ripped out whilst enjoying some great imsim design. Give it a few years, and this'll become a bonafide classic once we fully move past the launch day blunders.

Reviewed on Nov 04, 2023
