EDIT: as of October 2023, there's been an update that enables you to change inventory size settings, making this game more accessible for many.

I don't think I have any major, important criticism of this game. Flawless in almost every way, I don't typically do survival horror but Signalis managed to keep me so engaged from start to finish and I think I'm going to be thinking about this for a while after. What complaints I do have essentially boil down to two aspects - inventory size and sometimes-unfortunate enemy placing, meaning getting through doors can sometimes be awkward. But this is rare, and inventory management is possible, and despite those two marks on its record Signalis is worth the minor trouble in every single way.

I really can't say much without spoiling the whole thing, but how can such a surreal, symbolic, non-linear tale be so impactful and devastating? rose-engine have put tangible love and care into every aspect of the game, and it's in itself a love letter - particularly the survival horror game genre, but also to horror and sci-fi in general. It's unashamed of having those inspirations, which makes the experience quite novel when you can pick up on them. Uniquely these references do not take away from Signalis's story.

The story, as I've said, I can't say much about as that would relegate this to a spoiler review. However, what I can say is this - it's been a joy to discuss it with people, because everyone interprets it differently. Signalis is a game of misdirection and metaphor. Almost nothing is given to you and Elster explicitly; it's almost like a detective's case with how things need to be pieced together. Some of the greatest joy and terror I've experienced in Signalis is when I've made connections, and literally had my jaw drop in front of my screen.

Art direction, soundtrack, plot and character - 10/10. One of, if not THE best game I played in 2022.

Reviewed on Dec 20, 2022
