3 reviews liked by catsishot

Within 3 seconds of purchasing this game I got a knock on my door. Curious, I opened it. To my surprise, a crowd of extremely attractive women were standing outside, begging to be let in. As I asked why, they, virtually in unison, told me that they wanted to have hot, sweaty, bed-breaking sex with me -- all because I had purchased Peggle Deluxe, at the time on sale for $7.50 AUD on the Steam® Store. Seeing as they were so desperate to have sex with a Peggle Deluxe player, I agreed, only if they agreed to watch me play it afterwards. After 16 straight hours of pleasing multiple women, they gathered around me and my computer and watched in awe as I played, witnessing what a true man can do. I am writing this a few days after this entire ordeal, and hordes of women still come by my place begging for sex, but we have needed to tone it down to a mere 4 hours of sex to allow for the rest of my day to be riddled with Peggle-filled adventures.

So. Would I recommend this game?


A very compelling story with very mediocre gameplay