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Overhype killed this one for me. I just can't finish it. I am legitimately afraid of those giant angler fish, not a fan of the time loop mechanic, and handling the spaceship makes me want to run headfirst into a wall (these are all 100% Me Problems).

I genuinely feel kind of bad about not clicking with this game because everyone who's played it says it's the best and smartest game ever but every time I try to play it, I bounce off super hard for one reason or another. I hesitate to say the game is truly inaccessible, but it didn't really feel accessible either. At times, this game really clicked with me, but most times it felt bad and I was low-key dreading the next thing coming.

I will say the vibe is nearly immaculate and the idea is sooo so sick. The idea of a time loop is interesting but the execution gives me a lil anxiety and I hate feeling like I don't truly have all the time in the universe to explore and take in the lore. I really, REALLY wish I felt differently about this game but repeated attempts at getting into it lead me to the same result.

In most cases like this, I would just boot up a video essay or something but when you're cautioned over and over that it just ""isn't the same"" as it would be if you finished it yourself, I feel like I'd be losing out on The Experience if I watched video essays about it without having finished the game myself. I would love to know if I ever come back to this game and actually enjoy it, but I have that strange feeling that everyone else seems to have played a different game than me.

Reviewed on Dec 11, 2023
