It's an underrated game, just because it was hyped too much. If it was a regular CD project's RED game which came out without so many teasers, everyone would be happy.
Besides the bugs and glitches, which weren't as bad as I've heard atleast for me, the game's great. Although there were a couple annoying bugs, won't lie. The ones, that stopped you from finishing missions, so u had to restart from the last checkpoint, were the worst, but I've encountered to as many as about 10 throughout 80 hours of gameplay. And there were the funny bugs, Of unrealistic NPC actions etc.

The story is hella immersive. I do not suggest you going solo throughout the main missions, the side missions are basically apart of the main story and therefore you gotta complete some to get All the ending choices. The characters are great, developed really good. My play time just flew through me. Althoough, graphic details of the characters are sometimes not as developed as I've thought they would be. Hair is the last thing I'm gonna touch on the topic of details. Eyes, mouth, feet (lmao when I saw them they were like the worst, the work put in was not close to real) don't feel real at all at times. 100% seen games with such and a little better development before so it was nothing inovative.

Gameplay's rough to discuss, I liked the combat, the shooting, everything seemed normal to me. But haven't played as many FPS games AAA games before so can't comment too much on that. Can probably say again, expected a little more but didn't entirely disappoint me. MAKE A WALK BUTTON ON A KEYBOARD, I feel like an idiot running around walking npc's when i gotta follow them, true it was irritating a little.

Don't know if it's already becoming normal in rpg games but the fact that you level up through side events, max out your gear, get your armor, dps top notch, makes the main missions, for example ending mission super easy on a HARD difficulty makes me a little disappointed that it's not as challenging as the game in the beginning.

What I do hate is the NCPD system, police for other words. kill a person, get wanted, COPS JUST APPEAR around you, litteraly no sense even in a futuristic game. Or just get in car, drive 200 meters away and boom, you're not wanted anymore, that easy. This is I think they should most definetely work at improving.

And one more thing about the cutscenes at the end. One of the first time we see V from a camera perspective and not a first person. Lemme tell you they look crap... Even the gameplay sometimes looks more realistic, odd that for the cutscenes like these, they took such little time at perfecting and it's the most important parts of the game.

In the end, it' a storyline that matters, and you'll find a good one here. Peace out

Reviewed on Jul 15, 2023
