ranking star ocean

gonna add tales games to this list when i play them

total disappointment. worships the ground star ocean 2 walks on without acknowledging why that game is fun to begin with
still playing this one, but i'm near the end and i love it. my only gripes are sarah being annoying and the targeting system being disgraceful
best and most responsive battle system in the series. story takes a while to get going but the fun cast and addictive gameplay make up for the first disc's pacing. the second disc is actually fucking awesome and a giga filter hated only by mega dweebs
fun and with some charming characters but the story is pretty weak. i really don't like when antagonists come out of nowhere with no fanfare or prior development, and i REALLY don't like it when said antagonists have plot armor despite being easy as fuck to beat down
glad i played this instead of first departure, but i could really do without route structure. feels padded out despite being barely 20 hours long. shit really gets rushed at the end, but it's fun while it lasts. enjoyed the unique, cursor-based battle system


1 year ago

Are you going to play the GBC spinoff sequel to 2, Blue Sphere? It got a translation a few years ago.

1 year ago

i've actually played a few hours of it but i didn't wanna confidently place it anywhere. so far it'd prolly be on par with so1 for me. i think it's very impressive for a gbc game, and i like that the whole so2 cast is in it, but it's really repetitive too. i'll prolly put it on my vita and play it off and on that way cause i do want to eventually finish it

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