i dare you to show me something more technically impressive than this on 8-bit hardware - between the incredible spectacle, the meticulously detailed animation, and even the amount of interactivity i was blown away at every turn

graphics aside, the story here is solid and definitely worth a blind playthrough. reminds me pretty heavily of a certain critically acclaimed 80s sci-fi film except with waaaaay better pacing, plot, and characters

genuinely a really special experience

Reviewed on May 13, 2022


2 years ago

First time I've heard of this game, looks cool af. Will check it out

2 years ago

do it! just make sure you check romhacking.net for the manual too. it's got a prologue manga inside

2 years ago

how's the SNES remake?

2 years ago

more true to the guy's original vision but less technically impressive and also not translated

2 years ago

the pc engine is complicated, but it's certainly not 8-bit in the same way the nes is. it literally has a dual 16-bit gpu. moreover, sapphire was released for its cd add-on so it's more fair to compare it to a snes or genesis game

11 months ago

which movie?

11 months ago

@khan i dont really want to post open spoilers but it's a 1988 film by john carpenter

11 months ago

dope thanks.

yeah i figured u were intentionally being careful w spoilers but being unable to think of a movie matching the game's premise was driving me a little crazy